+ Would I Be A Good BALM Coach? - BALM

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Would I Be A Good BALM Coach?

BALM | January 22, 2022

As you are exploring the offerings of BALM and its high level life coaching specialization programs, you may be asking yourself if this program is for you and if you would be good at it.

Here are some facts to ponder in making your decision.

The BALM is an inside out program as is the BALM Coach Training.

In other words, as you study how to help others, you will also be learning and practicing ways in which to help yourself, first on the inside and then in outer ways. By inside we mean:

    1. Growing peaceful and centered while allowing for vulnerability and inner strength.
    2. Sharpening your ability to see who you are being in your life and learning tools to move beyond ego to be in sync with your highest and best version of you.

This is soĀ  you can best enjoy your life regardless of others’ actions or reactions. Another benefit of seeing yourself clearly is that when you do so, without judgement, you have more power to untangle yourself from whatever inside you is holding you back so you can be of more use to your struggling loved one and others who you choose to help.

The BALM is all about Peace, Love and Connection.

We believe that Love is the answer and Peace is the path. Everything we teach is about increasing peace, love, and connection in yourself, your loved one, your family and your relationships overall. Our principles and steps lay out a path to increase these wonderful traits within everyone who works them and our coach training program, building on your understanding of BALM, takes your ability to be the peace, be the love, and connect with others into your relationships and your work with others.

Information is the foundation of the BALM. Transformation brings about the change. Support takes it all deeper.

These three elements, as taught in the BALM Program, are essential for BALM families and coaches.

BALM Life Coaching is a powerful, non-clinical pathway to empowering deeper transformation in those you work with.

It is an accelerator for the BALM Program which we recommend that you and the families you serve engage in. BALM Coaches empower the families they work with to take the family’s BALM work deeper. It is not a substitute for this powerful family recovery curriculum, but a way to apply it specifically to your clients’ lives.

Commitment to your studies requires 6-10 hours per week for the next 12-18 months.Ā 

It is not a quick road to riches, though it is a deeply fulfilling road to service and personal and family sustenance. BALM Coaching is in demand and only growing more so. A deep dive into this career path is available to those with the willingness to prepare themselves through this professional, structured path.

You will become so much more than a life coach.

Your studies will prepare you to be a 12 Principles Classroom Teacher, A LIfe Coach, A BALM Family Recovery Coach,Ā  a certified BALM Coach, a certified ICF (Internationational Coach Federation) Life Coach) and a well-prepared entrepreneur on the path to a fulfilling, prosperous career. Some of you will choose to work with individuals in recovery. That training is available as well.

Opportunities to work on your own and/or as part of the BALM Community abound for graduates.

Mastery of the curricula, certification, and commitment to family recovery hold the key to advancement in this powerful exciting field.

Will you be a good BALM Coach?

If these points make you think you could be or that you want to learn more,Ā  call Outreach Representative Karen Zimmerman today at 1-888-998-2256 ext 5 today to further discuss the possibilities. Classes are starting now!