The BALM Blog
See all postsWhy Work with a BALM Coach?

The other day, I met a new person in the BALM who wanted to know why I was so intent on encouraging newbies to work with a coach.
“Why spend the money now?” she asked. “Wouldn’t it be better to just join the BALM, learn all I can on my own, and then, at the end of the year, get a coach to work with? Seems like it would be too much to have a coach and all of the BALM all at once.”
Here is what I told her and am now telling you.
Having a BALM Coach right from the start will accelerate your progress, right from the start. Your coach will guide you through the BALM, first showing you around the BALM Training Institute (BTI) portal, then showing you which lessons to attend and which to listen to first.
Your coach knows what it takes to be successful in the important work of learning how to Be A Loving Mirror and will help you apply all of the lessons you are learning in the program to your own personal situation.
BALM Coaches care. You will set up regular appointments with them and often, they will make themselves available to you through text, email, and occasional short sessions in between sessions known as laser sessions.
Having a coach makes the road smooth during challenging times. You know you have someone in your corner to help you see your next best steps and to help you gain objectivity and emotional balance as you navigate the challenges of loving someone with a use disorder or mental health challenge. If you can swing it, get a BALM coach in addition to the BALM! To do so, give me a call at 1-888-998-2256 and I will help you enroll today! If you sign up between now and July 4, you will also receive one retreat of your choice as part of your package!
Let’s talk soon!