+ The BALM® Helped Me Make Peace with My Mom - BALM

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The BALM® Helped Me Make Peace with My Mom

BALM | September 15, 2018

BALM Testimonial by:

Liselle Hill, PCC, CBC
Certified BALM Family Recovery Life Coach

My mom was truly an amazing person and mother. She was dynamic and interesting. She was outgoing and very involved with us and our lives when we were young.

She was also very social and was really a party girl.

Over time, the alcohol claimed her. It became more and more important to her, and we became less and less a part of her world. By the time I was in high school, I no longer felt I knew her at all. By my college years and my young married years, she was never available to me anymore.

When we tried an intervention, my mother told us that if she had to choose between alcohol and her kids and grandkids, she would choose alcohol.

As a result, I had a lot of anger toward her. I felt she had deserted me.

But then I reached a point where I didn’t like the way I was treating her. I didn’t like the anger and resentment. I wanted to change, and that is where BALM came in.

The BALM helped me make peace with my mom. It helped me learn how to love her regardless of her addiction. It reminded me of everything wonderful about her and gave me the ability to love her despite the chaos.

The amazing thing it did was to mend our bridges before she passed away. My mom died still using. But I was able to have a loving relationship with her despite the fact that she was still drinking.

Beyond that it helped me develop into the person I wanted to be. It taught me how to act from love and to see my part in the craziness.

I dropped all resentment and have come to understand that my mother is largely responsible for my being the person I am today.

Today I am grateful for the gift she gave me of learning how to love unconditionally. And that gift has positively impacted every relationship I have today.

If you would like to learn more about the BALM Comprehensive Family Recovery Education Program CLICK HERE