The BALM Blog
See all postsNew Fast Track Coach Training Cohort Begins in the Fall!

Know someone looking for an excellent Life Coach Training Program without the 2 year commitment to training?
The BALM Training Institute now has a solution for busy professionals looking for a substantive coach training program available in under a year!
This ten-month offering includes everything offered in the original 18-month course offering along with the distinct advantage of providing a full weekend to learn and practice together during the weekend courses and enough time between the individual courses to allow for student absorption of the materials. And, enrollees who have already completed the BALM Family Program before starting the course, can complete their coach training in only 8 months!
As always, we offer a referral fee to those whose referral enrolls. All you have to do is give us your friend or colleague’s name and we will help them see if the program is for them.
Look for information on the upcoming cohort, including a preliminary schedule, over the next week or so on the website . For more information, text Bev at 786-859-4050 or click here