+ Let's talk about growth... - BALM

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Let’s talk about growth…

BALM | May 14, 2019

Growth is a funny thing. It is inevitable if we do what it takes to grow. But how long it will take and what the outcomes will be – these can be great surprises…

This week, The BALM Institute is having its 4th Annual Practicum for Coach Trainees and its first Annual Alumni Conference for coaches who have graduated from our program.

This is, as you might imagine, an exciting week for all of us associated with the BALM as coaches, faculty, and trainees!

Thinking back to our first Practicum, there were coaches who were completing their final steps to certification and some who had just started their journey. The overarching experience I recall coaches having was a sense of developing their expertise in a safe, collegial environment as they began to build professional and personal connections that have only deepened over the years.

That year everyone who came took the Practicum courses. Those just beginning their studies took a deep dive into its advanced courses. They shared their fears of coaching for the first time in a public setting, coached anyway, and also served as clients again and again for their more advanced colleagues.

Many of them decided to return again in 2017 and 2018, taking the Practicum courses so expertly taught by our Director of Training Fran Fisher, MCC. And they watched as their skills grew over the years. Mainly though, they came to be with each other. To celebrate deepening friendships as they worked together to broaden their coaching abilities.

Finally, when it came to plan year four, the seasoned BALM coaches admitted it: They had had enough of the same course year after year and wouldn’t be coming unless there would be additional offerings.

So we did it! The Institute’s Academic Team planned an Alumni Workshop Conference during the same weekend as the Practicum to allow for more advanced learning and more time to spend with each other. Between CCE’s, RD’s, a visit to a localĀ  Substance Use Disorder Treatment Center (we are after all a Family Recovery Life Coach Training Program), dinner out Saturday night and time to just be together, the weekend was planned!

Alum signed up and in two days we will celebrate their advancement in the field and introduce them to courses in Heart Math, Byron Katie’s The Work, Couples and Family Coaching,Ā  Group Coaching, Advanced Business Development, Self Inquiry, Advanced Strengths Builder, BALM Journaling and Body Centered Coaching.

Congratulations to the many BALM alum who have chosen to participate in this advanced learning opportunity, to the current BALM students soon to graduate and those just starting out! And thanks to our presenters, BALM and ICF coaches who have chosen to give so much of themselves for the growth of other coaches, in many cases their colleagues and friends.

Time passes. Growth comes when we choose to pursue it. Where will it take us? Only time and continued visioning and working together will tell!

This same idea can be applied to our BALM Family Recovery Journey. Are you a family member and wondering how doing the BALM will impact you and your family? Knowledge of how is left to the future. We can only tell you that if you study and practice all you are learning in the BALM, growth will come and your recovery adventure will deepen along the way. Remember, as Principle Twelve says: “Be A Loving Mirror is the Journey AND the Destination.”

See you all this weekend!

Be A Loving Mirror!




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