+ Happy Thanksgiving! - BALM

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Happy Thanksgiving!

BALM | November 26, 2020

Last night, we got together on zoom to begin a series of BALM holiday support calls that will go through the New Year. As we sat together, sharing our stories of how we are each bringing peacebuilding practices into our lives, and learning new ones, I was reminded of the BALM idea that we are truly at peace only when we tap into the peace that lies dormant deep within ourselves.

This work, of tapping into that peace and bringing our awareness of it into our conscious day-to-day situations and circumstances, is something to truly be grateful for.

As we face this Thanksgiving day, which for many of us means dealing with the reality of a loved one’s addiction or other mental health challenge along with the tragedy of this pandemic, it may take more effort to remember to Be the Peace we wish to see in the world. And yet, that is what we are called to do in order to get our lives back and help our loved ones get theirs back.

Each and everyone of us has the ability to use our breath consciously in order to lower our inner temperature. As we do so, a quieted demeanor results and ripples out to those around us.

May this Thanksgiving be one of peace for all of us. May the words and wisdom of BALM permeate our beings that we may be present to ourselves and the people in our lives.

We at the BALM are so grateful for all of you this year. Your desire to walk the loving path and to help others do so is making the world a better place moment by moment and day by day.

Sending love and peace to you and yours as we all work together to bring recovery into our own lives and the lives of our family members.

And to all of the BALM coaches all over the world, who are sharing their peace, love and expertise with allĀ  of the families they work with everyday, we are all so grateful that you are doing the work you do to help saves lives and families everyday.

With Love and Peace,

Be A Loving Mirror

Bev and the BALM Team

If you haven’t signed up for the support calls and gotten your 8 Tips to Turn Chaos to Calm on the Holidays download, click here! Our next call will be tomorrow, Friday, November 27 at Noon ET.

Join when you can to increase your peace and effectiveness on your family recovery path!!