The BALM Blog
See all postsBev’s Corner – News from the Summit – part 1
Dear Friends,
This week The BALM® Institute spent the week in Atlanta, sharing the message of BALM® Recovery with professionals and families at our booth at the National RX Prescription Opioid and Heroin Summit in Atlanta.
Throughout our week there, we spoke with numerous people all of whom care about ending the scourge of the opioid overdose. We heard stories of families, schools, towns and communities impacted by the presence of legal and illegal drug use and abuse and of the heroic work people are doing all over the country to change the tide.
People from urban areas, Native American Reservations, suburbs, and the rural parts of our country. All have been hit so hard and came to the conference seeking answers about how to help their communities and often, their own families…
The conference offered scientific and legislative solutions galore. The plenary sessions included prominent speakers including the heads of NIH and NIDA and even Presidential Advisors.
The news was good vis-a-vis new legislation to empower communities to fight the epidemic.
We were glad to be there to share the BALM® solution with families. We sold and signed many books as people from families, community centers, hospitals, treatment centers, sheriff offices and community support groups gathered round our table to learn more about the role families can play in helping themselves and their struggling loved ones get their lives back.
Keep watching this newsletter and the BALM® Institute Facebook page to learn more about many of the things we learned and experienced during and after the summit, the upcoming free community education webinars we will be offering, along with the groups we met there, the Daily BALM® interviews we will be holding with them, and the amazing experiences we had along the way.
Looking forward to continuing the conversation!
Be A Loving Mirror!