Life Purpose in Recovery
What contribution are you are meant to make in this world?
Ever Feel Life is Trying to Guide You to Something More? That You Were Born to Contribute Something Unique, But You’re Just Not Sure What That Is? When You Want to Find Your Purpose in Life and Don’t Know How to Do So, A Gnawing Often Persists, Even Well into Recovery… At the BALM® Institute, Our Life Purpose in Recovery™ Process is Designed for People Who are Seasoned in Recovery and Looking for More. We Make Life Purpose a Given on the Recovery Path, and for many, The True Purpose® Journey Provides a Crucial Piece of the Puzzle along the Recovery Path.
“This work is for anyone who wants to get in touch with themselves and their inner intuition, and it will be your guide for the rest of your life! The whole process of learning how to communicate with a Trusted Source allows me to tap into my ‘inner knowing’. It guides all my decisions, especially when I am not sure about what to do.”
–Jen Fisher, ACC, CBC – Certified Balm®Coach
Life Purpose in Recovery™ is an experience that allows you to move into your destiny through a series of steps and inner explorations
1. Beginning with curiosity, you go Purpose Hunting to explore where your past has led you thus far.
2. Then, before going deeper, you ask permission from your conscious mind to allow the process to unfold.
3. Explore the deeper realms. First connect to a Trusted Source – something outside the ego that knows your purpose – and then ask questions that will guide you to a deeper understanding of why you are here and what you are meant to do.
4. Work with your coach, your facilitator, your buddy to interpret and evaluate the answers you get.
5. Integrate what you have received into a new understanding of your purpose in life.
6. Create a plan to manifest your purpose powerfully.
This process is an inner adventure. At times, you may get stuck or decide not to move forward, sliding all the way back to step one. And yet, if you do decide to persevere at finding and living Your Life Purpose in Recovery™, you can, eventually, prevail. Transformation awaits.
Open to everyone, whether on a recovery journey or not, the True Purpose® Path to finding YOUR Life Purpose in Recovery™ can hold particular power in the life of those who have lived with their own or a loved one’s addictive struggles. Considering the journey?
Learn more about the classes and individual coaching opportunities to find YOUR Life Purpose in Recovery™!
We will conduct a brief interview to help you assess your own readiness for the True Purpose® path. And then, if both we and you agree that this is the path for you, you will choose your venue and move your life ahead with the True Purpose® / Life Purpose in Recovery™ process.
“The purpose work made regular communication with my Higher Power an easier thing for me. It’s a very thorough process and I ended up with a booklet of all of the work that I did….the journaling and the answers from my Higher Power. The purpose work helps me stay true to the purpose that my Higher Power has for me.”
Michael DeForbes MFA, LCDP, CPC – CBC -Certified Balm® Coach