+ BALM Family Recovery Specialist -Certification Program
  • Is there a great need in your community for powerful family recovery education?


Are there not  enough people or organizations available to help?


Are you looking for a solution oriented process to help families engage powerfully in helping themselves and their loved ones?


Have you had your eye on the BALM as a valuable addition to your community but you are not sure how best to engage?


Are you wanting to help families but are not sure you want to be a BALM Family Recovery Life Coach?


Are you a family member or person in recovery who wants to help families and needs a curriculum to do so?


If so, please keep reading.


The BALM Program is hearing from communities that our solution-based process is exactly what their community needs. People have been reading our book BALM The Loving Path to Family Recovery and saying they want to share its solutions with their communities.


If you want to learn more about how to bring solution oriented family recovery to people in your community, The BALM Family Recovery Specialist Program can help you make that happen!


This powerful program includes live online and recorded access to:

  • the BALM 12 Principles lessons and supporting interviews

  • Professional Overview of the BALM Program to deepen your understanding of the method, the model, and how your work will help families grow and transform (LIVE Gatherings weekly for 12 weeks)
  • Fast Track to Recovery Workbook (digital)

  • 7 Steps to Be A Loving Mirror Course

  • 7 Steps to BALM Workbook (digital)

  • 7 Steps to BALM Guide (paperback in publication) 

  • BALM Training Institute access to all family courses, workshops, and groups included in the one year Family Recovery Program program

  • 2x monthly discussion/q and a sessions throughout your program. 


Finally, you will take a certification course in how to facilitate the BALM 12 Principles Program with:

  • fully scripted lessons

  • PowerPoints

  • Lesson Plans 

  • Teaching Resources and ideas to choose from

  • A teacher’s manual for each of the 12 Principle Lessons

  • a copy of the BALM book 

  • BALM 12 Principles Live Student Handbook 

  • Network and Marketing Planning and Guidance

  • The equivalent of a 3” binder of course materials transmitted to you digitally 

  • Access to student book and workbook purchases for classes you facilitate at a bulk rate


And you get all of the above for the introductory tuition rate of: $3000. 

Looking forward to helping you increase the impact you are making on families affected by a loved one

Click here to Enroll! 

Payment Plans Available! Contact us for more information and to enroll at 1-888-998-BALM (2256)

Ready to Apply for one of our Programs?

Our Admissions team is ready to serve you

Call us at 1-888-998-BALM®

Are you in need of Tuition Assistance?

We offer short and long term payment plans.

Call 1-888-998-BALM® or Fill in the Form below

Our Refund Policy

The BALM® Training institute is committed to helping all families blaze the trail to recovery in their homes.

This work of family recovery and/or helping others grow in their family recovery is important and challenging work.

We provide excellent education and coaching for the families and professionals we serve. We encourage applicants to take the time to explore our offerings fully before committing to the program. Once a student or family makes the commitment, our services are non-refundable.

We look forward to walking the loving path to family recovery with you as you move forward on your journey.