+ Ending the Scourge of Addiction and Overdose - BALM

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Ending the Scourge of Addiction and Overdose

BALM | February 7, 2019
Eucalyptus Trees engulfed in flames

Imagine a fire. Not a kindling fire. Not just smoke and embers.

But a wildfire, burning high and far off into the distance. Destroying leaves, branches, trunks, whole trees.

Burning homes to the ground and everyone unfortunate enough to not get out in time.

That fire is not only burning in one area, but in many. All across this beautiful land of ours, decimating entire communities, wiping out an entire generation of potential brilliance and beauty, leaving only waste and destruction in its path.

The fire we are imaging here is not in a forest. Its main target is not trees. It is a fire that has been burning for decades, culminating in the loss of 72,000 drug overdose deaths in 2017.

Just as a forest fire starts with grass and trees, and then moves on to eliminate overgrowth, homes, people, and whole communities, so too, the scourge of Substance Use Disorder (SUD), starts in individuals’ lives, moving out into families, neighborhoods, communities and reaching far and wide, until there is hardly a town or city untouched by the resulting overdose epidemic or by addiction itself.

In FRR we strive to do our part to help put out this fire and eliminate future ones.

Recently, our CFO Tony LaGreca, who also serves on the board of the Fed Up with the Opioid Epidemic Coalition,Ā  Ā appeared on CBS News talking about the many protests he is involved in to get Purdue Pharma to take responsibility for their role in creating and fanning the flames of the opioid epidemic.

The BALM program itself is committed to helping families eliminate this scourge of addiction in their own homes.Ā  Our mission is to help ALL families blaze the trail to recovery in their homes.

If you would like to have more information on how to get help for your family, click here


Be A Loving Mirror!
Beverly A Buncher, MA, PCC, CBC, CTPC
Certified BALM Family Recovery Life Coach
CEO/Program Director Family Recovery Resources, LLC

If you would like more information about the BALM Comprehensive Family Recovery Education Program CLICK HERE. Or call 1-888-998-BALM (2256) option 3.


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