+ Guest Blogger Beverly Sartain, Recovery Life Coach, on: Alternative Recovery - BALM

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Guest Blogger Beverly Sartain, Recovery Life Coach, on: Alternative Recovery

BALM | February 19, 2015

When experts join us on the Daily BALM, they often bring a variety of valuable perspectives to the table. Tonight, Recovery Life Coach Beverly Sartain, owner of Recovery Life Management, will share her perspectives on Alternative Recovery and why it is so important to offer a variety of alternative approaches to clients and families as they walk the recovery path. Here is a taste of her perspective. Then, to listen to her interview, join us this evening at 8 PM ET or listen to the recording this weekend on Family Recovery Academy. – Bev Buncher


A Further Reach: Alternative Recovery

Have you ever felt like you or a loved one just werenā€™t resonating with traditional treatment modalities? You are not alone. There are millions of people like you. I am like you.

Alternative Recovery has been emerging over the last decade. Though 12-Step programs remain common culture in the addictions field, alternative approaches are making headway.

Through my continued personal and professional growth, I have become aware of the limited information people have about alternatives.

Whether people are looking for a non-residential alternative, moderation management, or support without a group, Alternative Recovery is about choice. It is about finding a path that works for you. Recovery life coaching, therapy and support meetings could all be used in service to creating a meaningful recovery practice.

Alternative Recovery allows for your recovery to be your own. You are resourceful, empowered and capable of making choices that make sense for you. May we all work together to improve the quality of life in ourselves, our family systems and our society.

Beverly Sartain

