The BALM Blog
See all postsBlaming Yourself Will Not End Addiction
What Charlie remembered was that he wasn’t a victim or a bad person, but just an average person learning how to deal with a very difficult situation, doing the best he can.
When a family goes through our programs, it can take some time for the new understandings to sink in. But as the new ideas take hold, and family members begin to learn how to effectively be a powerful force for good in their loved one’s life, most grab the tools and get to work! And that’s when things start to move forward.
Families can have a tremendous effect on the trajectory of their loved one’s journey. In fact, we believe the following 2 tips can change your family:
Tip #40
YOU, the family member, have the power to be your loved one’s BEST chance at recovery!
Over the course of our work together, Charlie learned about the importance of having a long term recovery plan for his wife and for his family. We connected him with professional experts in post-treatment recovery care and we made sure that he, too, received the help he needed to grow along with her.
Tip #41
Recovery is a lifelong journey that starts whenever you make the decision to begin moving forward.
Once he got further into The Daily BALM®, he began to learn specific techniques for communication, ways to act while she was in treatment, ways to interact with the treatment center, and words to avoid with his wife and those helping her.
Later, he told me what a big difference all of this made in her recovery and his.
“Once you have a loved one in a few treatment centers, you start to realize that certain things help and others don’t, but I didn’t have the keys to the castle, so to speak, until I learned the tips you gave us in the course.”
I asked him what helped the most, and he shared that the knowledge of what to do when losing his temper was most helpful.
That is shared in Lesson Three of The Daily BALM®. “BALM®” stands for Be a Loving Mirror. It has helped people like Charlie end addiction in their homes as well as give family and friends peace in the middle of chaos when the addiction persists.
For mor info on our Family Coaching Program click the link below