+ A BALMy Gift for Our BALM One Year Program Families and Loved Ones in These Challenging Times - BALM

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A BALMy Gift for Our BALM One Year Program Families and Loved Ones in These Challenging Times

BALM | March 13, 2020

Dear BALM Family Members, Coaches, Faculty, and Staff,

Being in relationship with a loved one struggling with a use disorder creates a need to learn how to live ‘in the moment’, as we don’t know what the next moment will bring. Interestingly enough,  human beings in general never know what the next moment will bring. Yet, without the challenge of a life and death malady in the family, or the threat of one, many stay safely wrapped in a cocoon of denial as they walk through their lives. And even our struggling loved ones, often caught in the maelstrom of their own use and chaos, are not always aware of the precarious situation their addiction creates…

At this moment in history, the entire human family is being given a gigantic wake up call about the frailty of human life, with which we family members are already so familiar.

This morning I received a request from one of our BALM family members asking if she could share the 12 Principles Mindfulness Practices with her loved ones. I wasn’t sure if they would be, so…

To make it easier for all of our community members to directly access those meditation and mindfulness recordings that could be most helpful to all members of their family, I went through our archives and here is the beginnings of what I found. I wanted to get it out to you asap, so you could easily use them and share them NOW in this moment!

For that reason, I created this meditative course – some of which may have family specific material – but not in as great a concentration as the overall program.

I have also put out a request to our coaches for more quieting exercises to share.

If you are a BALM Family Community Member (and that includes staff, faculty and coaches) and would like to share this course with up to four of your immediate family members (some of whom may not be interested in the entire BALM program) and/or with your loved one (who may still be struggling or may be in recovery), you can do so. 

If you are a current member of the BALM One Year Program or an active BALM Coach or faculty member, please follow these steps:

  1. Go to balm-training-institute.com
  2. Create a new account for the person you wish to share this course with (follow the instructions at the bottom of the home page or in one of the orientation videos)
  3. Where it says “Who referred you?” Please list the person ( coach, treatment center, therapist, podcast, friend, Internet, etc.) responsible for you being in the  BALM, as your referral source. 
  4. Email support@familyrecoveryresources.com (and the person who enrolled you – your coach or treatment center) with the names and emails of the people you would like to share this course with.
  5. Our Support Team will check your enrollment status and, if your enrollment is current, Support will then enroll them in this course! Let them know if you want the person to have access to the full one year family program OR just the Be The Peace course (which is suggested if the person you are enrolling is actively using or in early recovery).

Please note:

  1. If you are enrolled in the BALM, this course is included in your One Year Program, meaning there is no extra cost and anyone already enrolled will see it online when they go to the BALM Training Institute. 
  2. If your enrollment is NOT current or you have not yet enrolled, we are running a special for the next two weeks (starting on Monday) for the One Year Program! Call 1-888998-2256 to learn more.
  3. At some point, we may make it a for-sale course for those outside the community, but for now, it is free for you and yours.

May this Be The Peace course help you easily locate pieces of our program that will help you and yours Be the Peace You Wish to See in the World in these challenging times. 

All the best,

Bev and the BALM Team


…and remember, Be A Loving Mirror