The BALM Blog
BALM | September 12, 2017
Dear BALM Community,
The pain and scope of overdose are becoming unbearable and enormous. And yet, this constant hurricane of human carnage receives far less attention than many others. As a Floridian, currently living outside of the state, I am not trying to minimize the physical hurricanes in any way. Yet, one look at these numbers does lead one to wonder why more attention is not paid to the opioid and other addiction epidemic now taking place in this country.
64,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2016. Overdose is now the leading cause of death under the age of 50, and kills more people each year than the HIV/AIDS epidemic at its height. Parents, siblings, children, friends, co-workers. We are all touched.
Addiction has a broader reach than opioids, alcohol and other drugs. Many people turn to gambling, porn, food, or shopping. Substance and process addictions affect our brain, lighting up our dopamine receptors. We’re hooked!
The Kiloby Center (Our newest BALM Treatment Center) recently interviewed thought leaders in the recovery field for their upcoming Radical Recovery Summit. According to Lynn Fraser of the Kiloby Center, “A consensus emerged early in the interviews. The root of addiction is trauma, pain, stigma and disconnection. The interviews show the depth, range and truly radical, effective approaches to heal and support people in their recovery. Recovery is about more than abstinence. It is reconnecting with ourselves, and finding meaning and joy in life.”
We went deep into trauma, addiction and recovery in my interview. Here is a short clip: Be A Loving Mirror
Join in live at noon Eastern on Saturday September 23rd. Scott Kiloby (Kiloby Center for Recovery), Robert Weiss (Digital Age Intimacy) and John Dupuy (Integral Recovery) are meeting to have a conversation about addiction and radical recovery. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and interact online with other participants.
For two days, September 23rd and 24th, you can watch these interviews free as part of the Radical Recovery Summit. Whether you are in recovery yourself, love someone who is struggling, or work in a recovery center, there are people here you want to see.
Bev Buncher
PS – We all know so many people affected by addiction. Please forward this newsletter to 10 of your friends. They will thank you.