+ Family Recovery Life Coaching series on Why BALM? part 1: My Story by Beverly Buncher - BALM

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Family Recovery Life Coaching series on Why BALM? part 1: My Story by Beverly Buncher

BALM | January 10, 2023

When I was studying to become a life coach, it didn’t answer the questions my soul was asking me to address about my life purpose. There was more to be uncovered – that I knew – so I went on a journey to find my life purpose (more on that in another post) and soon discovered that one of the ways I was meant to contribute was to help families impacted by a loved one’s addiction.

This resonated with me as over the years I had discovered a way of being in relationship with my loved one that helped him to attain sobriety, to sustain it, and later, when we both lost our way, to get back on track and then influence his path back to recovery again.

As I uncovered my purpose, I first realized I was to help families learn how to do what I did. In time, when it was clear that I wouldn’t be able to help all of those who needed this, it came to me to start a school for others to learn how to do this.

Today, those insights have led to over 2000+ families learning how to help themselves and their loved ones through my method which is called the BALM (Be A Loving Mirror) Method of Family Recovery. Plus over 100 have gone through our Life Coach Training School which has and is successfully training Life Coaches who specialize in Family Recovery as well as in Recovery.

There are many family recovery programs now and many Family Recovery Coach Training Programs. Still, people are seeing and saying that graduates of the BALM Training Institute and families who have gone through the BALM program (often with the help of a one-on-one BALM Coach), exhibit that ‘something more’ that BALM offers. 

In this series of blogs, we will look at that ‘something more’ to help you see if BALM is the family recovery and or the Coach Training path for you.

For more information, visit us at https://balmfamilyrecovery.lpages.co/coach-training-jan-2023-cohort/