+ FREE LIVE WEBINAR and Q & A "Is BALM Family Recovery for You?" Part 4 - BALM

“Let Go of Control Without turning away from a struggling loved one.”

Letting go does not mean separating or telling them to get lost. You are letting go of the attitude that is not allowing you to relate constructively to them. Learn how!

Are you at the end of your rope with your loved one’s substance use disorder?

Is your loved one refusing to get help or in treatment and you have no idea what will happen when they get home?

Does your loved one seem unstable after treatment and you don’t know what to do?

Do you live in fear that your loved one will die?

Is what you are doing now not working?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, join us on this FREE LIVE webinar to find out how BALM Family Recovery’s unique approach is helping thousands of families and how it can help you!

Please forward this email to anyone that you think would be helped by this powerful information.

If you can not attend a webinar and would like to speak with someone for more information call:

1-888-998-BALM (2256)